Tuesday, April 13, 2010

First Post

If I set a goal to write daily and then put it off until tomorrow I will never write.

I watched Day9 Daily episode #100 tonight.

It was great.

For someone to be so passionate about something, even if it is as seemingly silly as eSports, or online gaming, whatever, is special.

The sacrifices I make to suceed at what I do are tremendous.
There are days where my family barely sees me, speaks to me, or even knows me.

My mind is constantly fixed on becoming the best I can be at something; filmmaking.

I could rant forever about cinematic mechanisms and art, but I am a mental midget compared to the other filmmakers out there on the internet.

But what I am an expert on is myself and how filmmaking affects me.

I'm just crazy for it.
It sustains me.

It is not the most important thing though.

However, it is my mania. It is where I get my energy.

I might rant about film or film projects a lot.
A whole lot.

That is the surface of these observations.
I have other passions.
I have other content.

Whether you, the reader, discern the subtext is entirely dependent on you.

I write for you, but I also write for myself.

I will contradict myself.
I will evolve.
I will change.

Just keep throwing punches.

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