Thursday, April 29, 2010

Behind the Scenes: Church Girl

That's a behind the scenes clip of the movie I am Casting Coordinator on. Probably best viewed externally, but I like to spread the word.

They are all great people I work with.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Most filmmakers I know don't get much sleep.

But I'm the one who doesn't drink coffee!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Latest Video - Rain Stick

I had a week to work on it.

I did the traditional animation in about 3 hours.
I did the AE work in about 2 hours.

It shows.

Not my best work, but a fun piece.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Starry Starry Night

Tonight I learned the first girl I ever had a crush on died a few years ago.

It hurts, because she was also a good friend for a number of years.

She died at age 21.

Monday, April 19, 2010

In Dreams Begin Responsibilities

Honest dreams can be the scariest.

Everything else is a Pink Floyd lyric.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

So sad to watch Dan Henderson go down in defeat, but he has a good attitude.
He's a year shy of 40 he is still competing in title fights as the favorite.

Not much occured over the weekend.

I'm still all raspy from losing my voice in from a bout with some awful tortilla soup that was sold to me.

It was like an evil step-mother's curse or something.

I had to teach a Sunday school lesson with no voice, but I muscled through it.
(Are you supposed to muscle through Sunday school? I'll have to look into that.)

In other news I am on a milk drinking RAMPAGE.
RAMPAGE is the right word.

Gives me strong bones.


Friday, April 16, 2010

+ 1 !!!

So, through some disaster recovery, we managed to rectify the negative 339 dollar situation (which got as bad as -641) into a positive 1 with 400 more bones dropping in on Monday.

Miracles DO happen, SEE?????

I feel fine and was calm the whole time, but I feel bad for my wife.

We handle stress differently.

I always had a habit of blocking punches with my face.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

| Sound + Vision |

So I am cutting together my "reel".

That basically means a few minutes of my very best work.

The purpose of this is actuall an exercise in Sound Design, ie, I am doing it for a grade.

On the flip side, it will be very nice to have a finished piece for my portfolio I can show potential employers and demonstrate what I am all about.

I'm toying around with an idea for a book (my first book on film theory and technique.)

Mechanisms would be the name and it would be an exploration in ways of purposing cinematic mechanisms.

I would really like to journey into some experimental techniques.

Anywho, I spent the past 4 hours troubleshooting and fiddling with our video studio and its various quirks.

We made progress.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Negative 339 Dollars!

One miscalculation.
175 dollars in Overdraft fees.
339 dollars in the hole.

Thats ok.

I mean, it was a mistake and there is nothing I can do about it at this point!

Tax returns are coming in and I get paid on Friday.

As they say in Brazil:
"If you lose your job, that's ok, just go surfing."

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

First Post

If I set a goal to write daily and then put it off until tomorrow I will never write.

I watched Day9 Daily episode #100 tonight.

It was great.

For someone to be so passionate about something, even if it is as seemingly silly as eSports, or online gaming, whatever, is special.

The sacrifices I make to suceed at what I do are tremendous.
There are days where my family barely sees me, speaks to me, or even knows me.

My mind is constantly fixed on becoming the best I can be at something; filmmaking.

I could rant forever about cinematic mechanisms and art, but I am a mental midget compared to the other filmmakers out there on the internet.

But what I am an expert on is myself and how filmmaking affects me.

I'm just crazy for it.
It sustains me.

It is not the most important thing though.

However, it is my mania. It is where I get my energy.

I might rant about film or film projects a lot.
A whole lot.

That is the surface of these observations.
I have other passions.
I have other content.

Whether you, the reader, discern the subtext is entirely dependent on you.

I write for you, but I also write for myself.

I will contradict myself.
I will evolve.
I will change.

Just keep throwing punches.